Welcome to the Centre for Information Systems Research and Development of Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto – Portugal (CIDESI-ESEP) blog. In this blog you will find information about the Centre, as well as, related information that can interest everyone who is related to the subject. For that, it will have a specific structure, which will focus on the different goals and projects of CIDESI.

Each blog post will mention the related goal/project in the title space and the information in the content space. We hope this blog will serve as a space for information about the center, as well as a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on the subject.

Paulino Sousa
(CIDESI-ESEP Director)


My photo
The mission of the Centre is to improve the quality of nursing education and care, throughout the research and development of Nursing Information Systems (NIS) and the support of ICNP® development, in collaboration with ICN.


Project 4 - Developments: Nursing Information Systems Master Program

At this moment, we are waiting for the decision of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3es) to the accreditation of the Master in Nursing Information Systems (NIS).
We thimk that the NIS Master Program will begin in September of 2011.

The Master’s Degree in Nursing Information Systems (MDNIS) has consistent objectives with ESEP educational, scientific and cultural project, and it also aims to establish itself as a decisive factor in its implementation. For ESEP, the MDNIS doesn’t represent "just" another master course, but, above all, an opportunity for technology transfer and economic enhancement of scientific and technological knowledge produced at ESEP. It is admitted that the MDNIS will contribute to the production and dissemination of nursing knowledge, health and related areas, with strong technological integration, and it may arise as a very positive reinforcement for the recognition of the UNIESEP. In addition to the impact of this course in the business area of IHS (Information Health Systems), the integration of the best-qualified graduates in the health institutions will certainly have a positive effect on their development, particularly through innovative care models.


Project 3 - Developments: Using e-learning as a resource for the dissemination and use of ICNP®

Until this moment, we are defining technology supports and didactic contents for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
A cross-sectional descriptive exploratory study, using a questionnaire was developed. The principal findings show that ppatients report more questions in the activities of everyday life and on the breathing exercise. We found that the technological supports with higher utility, intention and perceived ease of use are the books, phone and video. Patients with higher literacy and greater technological literacy showed a greater utility in the use of Web technologies, patients with lower literacy and technological literacy have higher utility, intention and ease the use of mobile phones for information access.
The teaching resources may adopt different types of technological supports, since that available in function of literacy and technological literacy of clients and that responds to patients needs.
We think that the promotion of effective management of therapeutic regimen in patients with COPD is a challenge for the nurses. The teaching resources can be facilitators of learning processes, for integration into the self care of complex treatment regimens.

Project 2 - Developments: Catalogues using the ICNP®

Until this moment, we are describing the model of nursing practice in use and the identification with nurses the main components of nursing documentation, in terms of diagnosis, interventions and nursing sensitive outcomes to achieve the goal: develop frameworks based on the core areas of nursing.
We forecast beginning in May, work with nurses to develop and implement the use of ICNP® v2.0 in nursing practice through the reflection in action, describing the significance of each term for nursing practice.
We estimate begin in July the integration of ICNP® v2.0 as the classified language in nursing documentation, developing nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes.


Project 1 - Developments: Nursing Information Systems using ICNP®

Until this moment, we are describing the nursing information system in use on nursing practice in hospital, in primary health care and in the nursing information system for the continuing care.
We forecast beginning in May, work with nurses in the definition of the main components in nursing documentation.
We estimate begin in September, the definition of the framework for nursing documentation to be incorporated in the electronic health


Project 5 - National and international communication and dissemination of ICNP®

To develop strategies for communication and dissemination of ICNP® based programs.

  1. To present and publish the research and development of ICNP® based investigation;
  2. To present and publish the research and development of catalogues;
  3. To present and publish the research and development of NIS and e-nursing platforms;
  4. To participate in the ICNP® Centres Consortium;
  5. To attend at the consortium meeting.
  • To disseminate ICNP® contribution for the worldwide nursing development.
 Responsible Person: Ernesto Morais (ernestojorge@esenf.pt)

Project 4 - Nursing Information Systems Master Program

At this moment, the School as a Post-Graduation course in Nursing Information Systems. The study program is developed during a semester which corresponds a total sum of 30 ECTS.
The study program will be developed during the 1st and 2nd semesters around a set of courses under a more theoretical and theoretical-practice scope, and in the 2nd semester students must choose between one of the following research or training options, which must be concluded in the 3rd semester:
a) dissertation;
b) project work;
c) professional training which includes a report.
The cycle of studies leading to the master’s degree includes:
·         A specialization course, that consists of an organized set of courses, designated master’s degree course, and to which corresponds a total sum of 45 ECTS of the study cycle (50 % of the total credits of the course), that determines the attribution of a diploma of Specialization in Nursing in the specific area of the master’s degree course;
·         A scientific dissertation or a project work, original and specially developed for this purpose, or a professional training which includes a report, and to which corresponds a total of 45 ECTS.

  • Understand the importance of management, organization and information processing in the Health Systems.
  • Critical analyze the Health Information Systems.
  • Identify the specific components of the Nursing documentation in the electronic records in Health.
  • Understand the potential associated to the creation of clinic nursing decision-making systems.
  • Understand the problem of access to health data, including the need to clarify the essential procedures, both in terms of access to the collection and the processing of data in health.
  • Understand the potential associated with the use of the Data Information Systems for the Formalization of Knowledge, of the Nursing subject.
  • Understand the potential associated with the Use of Data in Nursing Information Systems as a way to guarantee Quality in Care.
  1. Some of the activities will take the ICNP® as an integral part of the global information infrastructure informing health care practice and policy to improve patient care worldwide:
  2. Reflect on the appropriate methods for using the ICNP® in the NIS;
  3. Discuss the relationship of ICNP® with other health classifications;
  4. Discuss a framework for nursing documentation, using the ICNP® v2.0, and on the main components that need to be incorporated in the electronic health record.
  5. Provide to enhance networking among researchers and others, interested in ICNP®.
This course seeks to enable nurses for research and development of NIS, to ensure the scientific, technical, human and cultural skills in a specific area of nursing. In this sense, the NIS Masters aims to deepen and develop empirical and scientific, ethical, aesthetic and personal knowledge equipping nurses, in this area of knowledge, with expertise, scientific, technical and human skills.

Time Frame: The NIS Master Program will begin in 2011

Responsible Person: Paulino Sousa (paulino@esenf.pt)

Project 3 - Using e-learning as a resource for the dissemination and use of ICNP®

Objective 3A:
To develop strategies for e-learning in Nursing.

  1. Define the technical resources required for providing of content for e-learning;
  2. Define strategies for implementation, dissemination and evaluation of e-learning;
  3. Define e-learning resources for the support of catalogues.
Objective 3B:
To promote the dissemination of the ICNP® v2.0 in Portuguese-speaking countries, using e-learning platforms.

  1. Delineate e-learning as a resource for nurses life-long education;
  2. Provide e-learning resources for implementation in clinical practice;
  3. Promote the use of e-nursing in cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries.

·         Build an e-learning strategy that promotes the dissemination and use of ICNP® version 2.

Time Frame: 4 years (2010-2014)

Responsible Persons:
Miguel Padilha (miguelpadilha@esenf.pt)
Paulino Sousa (paulino@esenf.pt)
Filipe Pereira (filipereira@esenf.pt)